Either you are part of the problem or part of the solution. Stay clear and unaffected by apparent circumstances, world events, your past, and the opinions of others. The solution is knowing that there is a force and that IT is real and IT works for a reason. Become clear as a channel for IT to come into. Leave the BS behind, and work at a higher level – the level the force works at – and get to know the reality of IT.
Everything happens for a reason, and the reason is none of your business. You are not the force. The force is everywhere in your life and in all. IT is the controller. It does not matter what is said or done. You cannot beat IT; you have to join IT and know that there is nothing more important in your life. If you don’t follow IT, you will follow a path of pain and suffering. You cannot hide and there is nowhere to go. Are you feeling bad about something? Tell me about it. Tell me about it. Tell me about it! Let go and keep clear, and IT tells you.
It does not matter what plans you make. It matters what plans IT has for you. You participate to some extent by staying clear and letting go enough to allow IT’s free reign in your life. You are insignificant if you go round and round with the same lessons, trying to rationalize that no one is perfect and allowing a continuum of preschool tests to dominate your life. You have to graduate with honors in order to become part of IT’s plan. It is difficult – let’s face it, it’s no walk in the park. You have to beat your own mind. You tell it, not it tells you. There is no future of any value if you cannot let go of everything that stands in your own way. There are many levels to letting go, but this is the key, because now you can work on the level of not getting involved and having your life directed continuously.
When you have a lot it is easy to give. Does IT ever dry up or become depleted?
No, as long as you continuously expand without limits and trust without reservations. There can be a floor but never a ceiling. As soon as you put a ceiling on in any form or condition, you are in for a learning experience. Ceilings are programs from the past that you brought forward and now became a part of your make up to be learned from. One time, hopefully. Chances are they did not serve you well.
Life can increase and expand exponentially if you want it bad enough, because there is a lot out there. There is only the one life that we are in at the moment, and to expand you have to go it alone. To expand exponentially means wiping your slate clean and breaking into new parts of yourself. It is not easy, even for the strong. It is like you are going crazy, but as long as you can pull yourself back in, you advance. It can take years, months, or days. Days! That is the high level. Then maybe you do it again and again till you have grown into exponential expansion. You are more now because went into an unknown area where you drew the line of what you considered acceptable and then erased it. You erased the line of fear and self-imposed restriction. Life then opens up without the restriction.
If you cannot give up your past you will not have any future. You will just keep living in the past, repeating the same experiences over and over, and saying “if it happens again I would…” Just one more time… the final time. No more chances. Just one more. And on and on. Living the future with the past.
Let go and move forward. If you hang on to the past you will pay with the future. Bringing your past into the future. Life is made up of moments. Capturing the moment means seeing or doing something memorable where you have 100% of your attention on something of enjoyment with no fear – a break from the norm. Something special gets you thinking beyond the norm. IT makes you expand in other ways. Capturing a moment takes awareness that there isa moment. Live it out for all it is worth and be in harmony with it. The key is you have to be clear and you have to be all there, and not anywhere else – especially not the past.