Your inner world is real; learn to step out of ITs way

Release yourself from your so-called problems and live in the moment.

Your inner world is more real than the outer world, but you have to build it. The inner world is cause the outer is effect. Let it be your source of expression. Start by letting go of the past, because you worked with programming, guilt, and fear. Move on. It did not work – doing the same thing and expecting different results, brought only the same experiences in different forms – because you let the outer lead. The source is in the inner. When you focus on the inner there is strength; in the outer is weakness. Become more of an observer, an overseer. Watch how IT works and how you react or not.

In time the outer will fail you. It will make you sit up and beg, roll over and chase your tail. The inner world will teach you, expand you, give you creative expression, although it is not easy to do coming from an outer world mind. But it is worth a start.

You are made up of your past. No matter how long ago, today you act according to things you saw. We have a memory bank of everything, and we can’t escape that. It is what it is, and you will always have these experiences where you draw from when you think. You can trace your thoughts back to the root source.

In third grade I went on a class trip to a farm. A thought in my mind made me think of a particular cow. It never goes away, but there is always more you can add to your mix. That is the deeper possibility beyond limitations – accepting there is more to life then what meets the eye. It starts when you can let go of the past and adopt a new point of view. It has to be brought out; it does not just happen. All have it, but it has to be developed through writing and thoughts. Then it comes out. Bring yourself out to the new view point, a new way of looking at things. It is like you monitor yourself through writing and you create a different future. Awareness.

There is smart and real smart. The smart think. The real smart allow the force to do it, and by letting go and getting out of the way you allow what is supposed to happen happenby exercising no thought, but instead a just doattitude. To just do eliminates all the past programming and moves one closer to relying on the greater part of oneself. That takes you where you need to be and do what needs to be done. Then you can observe IT in action and separate yourself from tribal thinking, and just be in ITs flow without your influential past. When you release yourself from your so-called problems you live in the moment. Stop identifying yourself with your problems. They are part of your life and in some form will not go away. Releasing them to the force means you do not get involved totally – knowing that when you get out of the way, nature takes its course for your benefit/lesson. Getting out of the way means that you understand that it is all a game and your job is to know it.

Zeroing out locates your true self and everything is OK because you are not involving your energy. You have to rely on something more capable than you, because this is not our game. We only play it.